How to Turbo Boost Profits on High Strike Rate, low odds.This is one strategy from our ANZ Horse Ratings.
Let's see how we can get these horses to pay us more. And we are using only $100.00 to make over $370.45 Profit. Since sharping up the algorithm (formula) for the Jockey ratings. We have had 11 bets, 7 winners and 4 place getters.
If you are a subscriber of ANZ horse ratings then how to get these selections are in the help guide. Above are the results and profit on level staking for the 75 selections in the 3 months 3 weeks since 1st April, 2022 to 18th July. These have a good strike rate and average win odds 2.84 How can we make more?By compounding the bets, using our 20 Race Staking Plan. Visit Race Staking Click Here Let's look at the first 20 races. We have 20 bets in April, and for the 100.00 investment we made $39.93 this was the lowest return on the 3, 20 races series we have completed. We have 10 winners and 10 losers on this series. No qualifying races from 29th April to the 1st May. Look at the 2nd 20 race series. OK, better had our worst run of outs in this sequence and had 8 losses in a row. Still posted a $51.78 profit on our 100 starting stake. We had 11 winners and 9 losers Right here is the third 20 race series, and the best return. There we made 170.56 profit on the 20 races, and our 100 staking, 12 winning bets. Lets look at how this software does it. Remember we only staked 100 at the start of the series. Below is the working of the Series above. If either of the last two selections had won we would have picked up another 100.00 plus profit. Series 4 completed Profit $108.1811 winners from the 20 races.
Now we have had 80 bets, the above four.And our 100.00 has made $370.45 Profit.370% return on original outlay.For 1st April To 1st August, 2022So there you have it Two Great products, making a good return. This is only one strategy you can get out of ANZ Horse Racing Ratings.
Cheers Steve Davidson